Love to sing, but not getting stuck in traffic? Online voice lessons are the answer!

Are you a singer? Know that a great voice is hiding inside, but need some help letting it soar? Become the singer you’ve always known you are! Sign up now for online voice lessons with a vocal coach of remarkable and wide-ranging experience.

Online voice lessons - anytime, from anywhere - are really for anyone who loves to sing and wants to realize their full potential.

Learn to:

  • hit those high notes
  • get rid of the “break” and move smoothly through your range
  • learn the difference between belting, mixing, and head voice
  • expand your range
  • deliver songs with passion and your personal touch
  • develop your own individual style
  • write songs

Start your journey now

Get in touch and book your 30 min FREE trial lesson now!

Why online singing lessons?

Access to the Best

No matter where in the world you live, you can now take one-on-one, personal lessons with the BEST teacher for you, no matter where they are. This was something unheard of only a few years ago. You can now learn from your favorite musicians, no matter if they are based in Hong Kong, New York City or a remote island in the Caribbeans.

You Save Time and Energy

How we spend your time and energy has become more important than ever, in this hectic 21st century world we live in. Online singing lessons take place in the comfort of your home. All you need to do is turn on your device, and you are ready to go. No hours spent in traffic or on crowded subway cars! How much more relaxed that hour of learning will be, plus all the things you can do with the time you saved on commuting …

You Save Money

Traveling not only takes time and energy, but also money. Online lessons save you the expense of gas or train tickets, and enable you to get work done instead of losing precious time in transit.


Since there is no traveling involved, scheduling has become so much easier and flexible, in addition to times of day that you might feel comfortable to take a lesson from home, when you wouldn’t if you had to go somewhere.

Recording Lessons

Recording lessons online is a breeze! With a recording, practicing becomes a lot more efficient and fun. You can practice along with it, check for things you might have missed or forgotten afterwards, and hear how applying the teacher’s instructions made an immediate difference. It’s also extremely valuable for singers to get used to hearing recordings of themselves, as we hear our voices differently in our own heads.

About Maria

clear-water tones” — Ben Ratliff, The New York Times

Maria Neckam has taught masterclasses all over the United States, Canada, and Europe and has more than 15 years of one-on-one teaching experience. An accomplished singer and songwriter herself, Maria has performed internationally in a wide range of styles and genres - from jazz to indie pop, classical to rock, backing neo- soul queen Erykah Badu and sharing the stage with the Brooklyn Philharmonic Orchestra. Maria shares her time between New York City and Vienna, Austria, and also travels regularly. Maria has recorded over 20 albums as a leader and featured artist.

Frequently asked questions

How do I know online singing lessons are for me?

Online voice training is becoming increasingly popular amongst teachers and singers, due to its convenience, cost-effectiveness and access to the best teachers, no matter their location. It is also the most flexible solution for people with busy schedules. Not only can anyone take lessons from the most talented and experienced teachers across the globe, it’s also easy to record the lesson and work with it over and over again.

Why lessons with Maria vs. other online options?

In 2022, there are many ways to take lessons or improve one’s singing skills. However, there is still no match for personal, one-on-one lessons, a private session between teacher and student. In addition, Maria Neckam is an active performing/recording artist with many years of experience in a wide variety of genres and styles. You will learn from someone who is respected in the music world and knows the reality of a musician’s life, therefore can teach you how to maneuver all aspects of musicianship and the artist’s life.

What do I need to get started?

All you need is a device with a camera and built-in microphone (preferably a laptop, desktop computer or iPad, although a smartphone will do the trick as well) and a decent internet connection.

Do singing lessons really work?

If you can speak, you can sing. Anybody with a voice can learn how to use it better by improving their vocal technique (learning how to support your vocal cords with all the other muscles in your body), ears (yes, you can improve your ears and ability to sing in tune) and connection with song. Talent is great, but it will only get you so far. As in every craft, we need a good teacher to point things out we wouldn´t see or hear ourselves and lead us in the right direction.

How long does it take to learn how to sing?

Everyone´s path is different, it depends on each person´s starting point and how much effort they put in themselves. Generally, when taking lessons once/week, you should have a good foundation after about 3 months. If you´re serious about it, you will want to dedicate at least one year to regular lessons, but most important, as always, is to enjoy the path of learning and music-making. If your heart is in it, there is no limit to what you can achieve.