Looking for your voice? Study with a vocal coach with real-life stage experience!

Are you taking any chance to burst out into song in front of an audience? Or would you love to be that person, but have to work up the courage? If you love to sing and need some help upping your game, you're in the right place!

Maria Neckam is a singer and vocal coach based in Brooklyn, New York, with over 15 years' experience performing, recording and teaching under her belt.

Within a sea of “quick tips” YouTube videos, expensive video series and generic teaching platforms, Maria emerges as a breeze of fresh air, offering personal, one-on-one lessons that save you money and time!

Lessons are personalized and custom-made to your individual goals and needs. For example, you might want to work on:

  • vocal technique - increase your range and flexibility, strengthen your tone, improve articulation, widen your dynamic spectrum
  • developing your own unique sound
  • stylistic versatility
  • building a repertoire
  • song performance
  • stage presence
  • songwriting
  • improvisation

Guided by Maria’s expertise as a vocal coach, you will develop your own unique sound and break through self-imposed limitations. You can be exactly the singer and performer you’ve always known deep down is you.

Start your journey now

Get in touch and book your 30 min FREE trial lesson now!

About Maria

a singer of composure and purpose.” — The New York Times

Maria Neckam has taught masterclasses all over the United States, Canada and Europe and has more than 15 years of one-on-one teaching experience. An accomplished singer and songwriter herself, Maria has performed internationally in a wide range of styles and genres - from jazz to indie pop, classical to rock, backing neo- soul queen Erykah Badu and sharing the stage with the Brooklyn Philharmonic Orchestra. Maria shares her time between New York City and Vienna, Austria, and also travels regularly. Maria has recorded over 20 albums as a leader and featured artist.

Frequently asked questions

What does a vocal coach do?

A vocal coach trains singers to improve their overall ability and performance - from vocal technique to song delivery to on-stage presence. A vocal coach will give their students personalized exercises, help them develop a practice routine, and give support in forming healthy mindsets toward singing.

What’s the difference between a vocal coach and a singing teacher?

A singing teacher mainly works on voice technique - breathing, posture, increasing range, strengthening tone etc. A vocal coach also works on song interpretation, repertoire, and all aspects of performance.

Can a vocal coach help you sing better?

Absolutely, it’s their job to help you sing better. Anybody that has a voice can improve it with the right guidance and training. What matters is to enjoy singing and choose the right, qualified teacher. With a little practice and an open mind, you will get better in no time.

What do singers drink before they sing?

It’s important to stay sufficiently hydrated, but not necessary to obsess about it. Also, everyone is different. Generally, water at room temperature or warm (not hot) teas are best. Avoid drinking too much coffee, and pay attention to your reaction to dairy. Some people feel that it creates a lot of mucus, which can be irritating while singing.